
06-11-12 00:00

네팔 평화협정(정치일정) 이루어지다!!

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**지난 11월9일 정부와 7개정당 그리고 마오이스트 간에 네팔 정치일정에 대하여 합의하고 각서와 함께 싸인을 하였습니다. 이 일정대로 잘 이루어져 진정한 평화가 네팔 땅에 정착되기를 기도합니다.***

Praise God that the Seven Party Alliance and the Maoists have agreed a peace deal. The deal is  signed on the 9 nov.2006.

The main points are:
내년 6월 헌법개정선거를 실시
마오들의 무장 (임시)해제 및 마오 군인 진영에만 활동제한
마오 정부 해산
마오를 포함(왕은 배제) 임시의회 구성
* Constituent assembly elections next June
* Maoist weapons to be locked up and Maoist fighters confined in cantons.
* Nepali Army to remain in barracks and an equal number of weapons locked up
* Maoist parallel government to be disbanded
* Interim assembly including the Maoists but excluding those who opposed the April uprising.
Himalyan Times

? Peace accord to be signed by November 16(평화협정-11월 16일)
? Maoist fighters to go to cantonment areas by November 21(활동제한-11/21)
? Interim legislature comprising 330 members to be formed(임시사법부)
? Interim constitution to be announced by November 26(임시헌법-11/26)
? Current HoR and National Assembly to be dissolved(현정부,의회 해산)
? Interim government to be formed by December 1(임시정부-12월)
? First constituent assembly meet in June to decide on monarchy(첫 헌법의정에서 왕에 대한 결정-2007년 6월)

Please pray that the Maoists will honour this agreement. Although we have a ceasefire and a temporary agreement there has been continuing Maoist intimidation and 'tax' collection in many places. Hopefully the fact that the Maoists are now part of the government will see an end to their unlawful activities.

Two news articles with more detail are below.

In His Care,


SPA government and the Maoists seal the historic deal - Nepal News

The marathon summit meeting between the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) government and the Maoists has finally produced a historic deal paving way for formal entry of the Maoists into the peaceful political mainstream.

The deal lists a timetable as per which the Maoists will be joining the interim government on December 1.

The deal includes agreement on all issues such as fate of monarchy, arms management, interim constitution, interim legislature, interim government and electoral system for Constituent Assembly.

Fate of Monarchy(왕에 대하여-2007년 6월)

The agreement states that the fate of monarchy will be determined by the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly (CA).

The properties of late King Birendra will be put under a trust. The ancestral property of current King Gyanendra will be nationalized. The king will be powerless till the fate of monarchy is determined by CA.

Arms Management(무장해제 및 진영지 제한-2006년 11월 21일)

The agreement states that the government and the Maoists will sign a Comprehensive Peace Agreement on November 16. Following this, the Maoist army would be sent to cantonments on November 21. Seven big cantonments will be set up each in Kailali, Surkhet, Rolpa, Palpa, Ilam, Kavre and Sindhuli districts and there will be 21 smaller camps.

The arms of the Maoist army will be separated and put under single lock system; its key given to Maoists and the cantonments will be monitored by the United Nations through Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and siren alarm, which will be set off if there is any unauthorized tampering of the lock.

The UN will start verifying arms and monitor it from November 16 itself. Similar quantity of arms of Nepali Army (NA) would also be put under single lock system.

Interim Constitution, Legislature and Government(마오들을 포함한 임시입법,사법,행정부 구성-2006년 11월 26일까지)

The Interim Constitution will be promulgated on November 26. It will be promulgated by the House of Representatives, which would then be dissolved.

An interim legislature will replace the House of Representatives, which would then adopt the interim constitution. The interim legislature will have 330 members ? Nepali Congress (75 seats), Unified Marxist Leninist (73 seats), and Maoists (73 seats). In fact, 209 sitting MPs of the House of Representatives and National Assembly will be nominated by their respective parties to the interim legislature. These will not include pro-regression parliamentarians. Apart from them, the Maoists will nominate 73 members and 48 members will be chosen from civil society, professional organizations and various party organizations.

The interim government will be led by current Prime Minister and president of Nepali Congress (NC) Girija Prasad Koirala. It will be formed on December 1 including the Maoists.

CA Elections(헙법개정 선거-2007년 6월 중순)

The agreement states that the CA election would be held within mid-June 2007. The CA elections would be held on the basis of mixed proportional procedure.

There will be 425 members of CA ? 205 will be elected directly on the basis of existing electoral constituencies. Another 204 members will be nominated by various parties on the basis of their proportional strength seen during direct elections.

The Prime Minister will nominate 16 remaining members of the CA.

Recent history
? Two sides were observing a ce-asefire for the past six months
? Disarming of Maoists had been a sticking point in the peace process
? Peace process hit another snag on whether future of monarchy should be decided through a referendum, or constituent assembly elections
? In June, the two sides agreed to hold elections to a constituent assembly to write a new constitution, meeting a key Maoist demand
? Two sides agreed five months ago to form an interim parliament that would bring Maoists into the political mainstream
? This is the third time the two sides have tried to hammer out a peace deal
? Two previous attempts, in 2001 and in 2003, failed
? First round of high-level talks was held on Oct 8, second round on Oct 10, third on Oct 12 and the fourth on Oct 16
? Maoist conflict has claimed at least 12,500


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